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united states air hockey association information
World Rankings - USAA Seed List - Members - Constitution - Mission Statement - Air Hockey Rules - Challenge Rules
USAA Officers:

Senior - Senior Members may seek and hold official offices, write and hold special voting proxies, and serve as committee chairpersons. They also have all of the privileges of Associates and Affiliates.
Phil Arnold (since 1/1975)
Mark Robbins (since 10/1995)
Danny Hynes (since 10/2002)
Mark Nizzi (since 10/2002)
Ehab Shoukry (since 10/2002)
Syed Rahman (since 3/2004)
Billy Stubbs (since 3/2004)
Joe Cain (since 3/2005)
Michael L. Rosen (since 3/2005)
Chris Green (since 3/2007)
John Mitchell (since 3/2007)
Jason Stevens (since 7/2009)
Goran Mitic (since 7/2010)
John Stucky (since 7/2010)
Don James, jr. (since 7/2012)
Tim Weissman (since 7/2012)
Brian Quezada (since 10/2013)
Associate - Associate Members have voting rights for all proposals whether constitutional, procedural, rules or otherwise, and voting rights for committee elections. They also have all of the privileges of Affiliates.
Vince Schappell (since 3/2005)
Keith Fletcher (since 8/2011)
Dan Meyer (since 5/2012)
Lazaro Garcia (since 7/2012)
Jacob Weissman (since 7/2012)
Jacob Weissman (since 7/2012)
Affiliate - Affiliate Members have voting rights for general elections, may write and hold general election proxies, may serve on committees, and may make and second motions/proposals and be recognized at USAA board meetings.
James Britton (since 10/2004)
Theon Karabatsos (since 10/2004)
Wil Upchurch (since 7/2010)
Tory Evans (since 8/2011)
Mike Keller (since 8/2011)
Nick Keller (since 8/2011)
Pete Lippincott (since 7/2012)
Chuck Forrest (since 10/2013)
Doug Howard (since 1/2014)
Guest - Guests may attend USAA board meetings upon approval of the acting-President. A recognized voting member may yield the floor to a guest. The acting-President may remove this right if he/she feels the need.