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2012 Houston Airhockey World Championships - 7/28/2012
Open Singles is the main event. This is THE event. If a player has a choice of only one, this is it. At the end of this hard core intense every man for himself event, a World Champion is crowned. These events typically draw 100+ participants and take 2 days to complete.

Again with the double elimination format, most or all matches in the main tournament are the best 4 games of 7. The longer matches allow the more skilled player to adapt and achieve victory. Players are seeded based on the Mitic rating system. By the end of the first night, strong Professionals and Masters are playing high intensity matches, drawing large crowds of fans and players watching closely to see who will advance.

Sadly, as must happen, some people do lose their second match and are eliminated from competition. But for these folks, the real fun has just begun. Because of the bracketing methodology used, everybody eliminated in the same round goes into a sub tournament or what we call a "spinoff" tournament. Because all players in each spinoff tournament were eliminated in the same round, the skill level is very close. And so then comes the battle to win the bracket, and the trophy, and prize money. With the skills levels being all but equal, the battle is as intense as the finals itself. Matches get longer, and the players who didn't make it to the big prize get to battle for a different opportunity.

Day two features the top 16 best players in the world competing for the prized World Champion spot. Nothing you have ever witnessed will prepare you for grand master level airhockey. Intensely fast and yet controlled. Calculating and yet opportunistic. Poised and yet aggressive. No other sport in the world can get an onlookers heart racing like the intensity of a match at 3 games each at 6-6 in the 7th game and one player attempting the winning shot and his opponent digs deep in her concentration and calculations to try to capture the puck. As the day wears on, the matches slow down, and the quality of play becomes - extraordinary.

As the event unwinds to the final two competitors, only one truth remains: Ibi volo existus unus solus. (There can be only one.)

Finish Name
1 Billy Stubbs
2 Ehab Shoukry
3 Tim Weissman
4 Wil Upchurch
5 Danny Hynes
6 Davis Lee
7 Javier Pulido
8 Paulo Correia
9 Keith Fletcher
10 Brian Accrocco
11 Brian Quezada
12 Anthony Marino
13 Jose Mora
14 Ramiro Castano
15 Albert Ortiz
16 Evan Siegworth
17 Travis Luscombe
18 Pete Lippincott
19 Dan Meyer
20 August Parra
21 Goran Mitic
22 Mark Robbins
23 Jacob Weissman
24 Lazaro Garcia
25 Christopher Lee
26 Nick Geoffroy
27 Phil Arnold
28 Mike Cummings
29 Keith Garcia
30 Tom Baldus
31 Dionisio Diaz
32 Alex Ortiz
33 Jason Sherman
34 Colin Cummings
35 Syed Rahman
36 Avery Yebernetsky
37 Justin Flores
38 Fernando Guillen
39 Chris Green
40 Donovan Brown
41 Andrew Flanagan
42 Tad Gibson
43 Anthony Munez
44 Mike Pitts
45 Niki Flanagan
46 Dave Parmley
47 Peter Cheung
48 Chuck Forrest
49 Doug Taylor
50 Dave Gray
51 Peyton Shelley
52 John Stucky
53 Anselmo Diaz
54 Cory Dzbinski
55 Denang Brown
56 John Mitchell
57 Steven Accrocco
58 Anton Mawhood
59 Chris Gibson
60 Nick Keller
61 Daniel Bandy
62 Mark Waheed
63 Mike Keller
64 Tory Evans
65 Dave Cantor
66 Ismael Pena
67 Aj Ortiz
68 Ben Hayman
69 Marc Sandlin
70 Connor Cummings
71 Norman Richards
72 Ed Baldwin
73 Holly Candanoza
74 David Candanoza
75 Brian Barozzini
76 Nathan Gibson
77 Don Bearden
78 Ryan Hull
79 Kimberly Wenskay
80 Luis Alvarado
81 Vincent Lee
82 Conlan Yebernetsky
83 Benjamin Grabmayr
84 Paige Baldwin
85 Tyler Stewart
86 Haleigh Gibson
87 Justin Williams
88 Adrian Ortiz
89 Hawk Candanoza
90 Austin Baldwin
91 Tyler Gibson
92 Austin Fernandes
93 Halie Hawkins
94 Johnny Rivera
95 Bo Witherspoon
96 Keith Ford
97 Chuckie Cantor
98 Sarah Weissman
99 matt podas
100 Melony Baldwin