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John "Owen" Giraldo (0 comments)
Some of you may already know this and other may be hearing this for the first time. I am sorry to announce that Owen Giraldo, former USAA Singles and Doubles World Champion, USAA senior member, and beloved air-hockey player and friend, passed away on Monday of this week.

The wake will be held on Friday from 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. at Compean Funeral Home located at 8009 Long Point (at Wirt road just North of I-10). The phone number is 713.468.2524.

There will be a second wake held at St. Jerome's Catholic Church on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. The funeral will follow at 10 a.m. at St. Jerome's. The address is 8825 Kempwood (near Hollister). The phone number is 713.468.9555.

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