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2004 Illinois State Tournament, June 18-20! (0 comments)
Just a reminder about the 2004 IL State Air Hockey Tourney that's
taking place June 18-20, 2004 in Naperville IL (just 5 weeks from
now). This tourney will be a great tune-up for the upcoming U.S. Open
Championship in October that's taking place at the same location!

The 2004 IL State Tourney will include a series of competitions: A
singles open, doubles open, skills challenge and other exciting
events. Over $2,500 in cash and prizes is up for grabs this year.
This event is expected to draw top professional Air Hockey players
from across the U.S. -- the first place finisher pockets more than

Check out the tourney's official Web site at:


There you will find entry fees, directions, hotel discounts, cash
payouts, registration forms, tourney flyers, check in times,
sponsorship information, a schedule of play and more.

If you'd like more info, please visit the Web site, email me at
contact@il-airhockey.com or call me at (312) 588-1618.

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