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Grayson Army - Houston City Open Nov 8-9 (0 comments)
On Saturday, November 8 from 8 am to 1 pm, the Down Syndrome Association of Houston will host a fun walk. (www.dsah.org) Starting at 4 pm, Xtreme Airhockey will host a Houston City Open to raise money for team Grayson's Army for the DSAH Fun walk. Proceeds will go to the Grayson's Army team donation. The event will run from 4 pm to 10 pm on Saturday and then resume on Sunday morning at 11 and play until completion. It will be a standard double elimination tournament run by USAA rules and procedures with trophies for top finishers. Entry is capped at the first 48 players to pay the $40 entry fee. All proceeds beyond coverage of expenses will go to the fund. Register at www.xtremeairhockey.com. Click on the Grayson's Army picture to launch the registration form. After filling out the form and Submitting, you will have a link to allow you to submit payment via PayPal.

Collected entry fees from the Friday night weekly tournament on Nov 7 will also support the Grayson's Army DSAH fund. $7 per player.

Join us for a fun major Airhockey event and support a noble cause!

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