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CS Rankings as of 7/14/2003 (0 comments)
Now that the website is back up, here are the top 10 in the power rankings as of today:

1 Danny Hynes (6) 1,378.8
2 Travis Luscombe (4) 1,120.0
3 Tony Morris (3) 1,008.9
4 Andrew Flanagan (3) 870.4
5 Francois Etchepare (2) 833.8
6 Jason Sherman (3) 830.3
7 Zack Zakhem (4) 803.8
8 Brian Accrocco (5) 705.8
9 Lazaro Garcia (3) 547.8
10 John Giraldo (5) 540.5

Danny has now taken over the top seed after winning his 4th tournament at Celebration Station this year, which is pretty impressive considering he's only participated in five thus far. John Giraldo and I are in second place with three tournament victories.

For the complete listing, go here.

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