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New Videos Section Now Available (0 comments)
We have created a new videos page, chalk-full of competitive air hockey goodness for your viewing pleasure. If you have an account with AHW and you have a video on YouTube, Vimeo, or any of the other video sites that give you the embedding code, feel free to add your videos to the mix using the form on the bottom-right. Also, we could definitely use some help "tagging" the already uploaded videos.

If you see a video and want to help describe it so that it's easier to search for, just locate the tag in the tag list below the video, and click the submit button to add the tag to the video. For example, I tagged the footage that was given to us from the 2009 US Open with "2009 US Open", "Heilander, Jimmy", and "Shoukry, Ehab". All of the tournaments and players' names are available on the tag list to be used.

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