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Kicks Houston Weekly Results for June 9, 2006 (0 comments)
Kicks Houston Weekly Results for June 9, 2006

Alright all you pucksters... it's time to get caught up on the Houston Air Hockey news!

First off, congratulations to all you mighty Texans who were able to make it up to Denver for the Colorado State ranking Bob Dubuisson Memorial Tournament. Special props to Danny Hynes and Keith Garcia who were able to take down two of the highest ranked players in Colorado to capture the Rocky Mountain doubles championship! Unfortunately, Danny ran into some stiff competition (and a few stiff drinks the night before from what I hear) and was defeated by California's Davis Lee Huyen and finished 2nd in the state-ranking singles competition.

Houston hit a dry spell during the end of May, so we wrapped it up with a free tournament on May 19th and then took 2 weeks off. We got things started up again last Friday and had a pretty good turnout of 16 players for this random draw event. World Champion Danny Hynes is on his way to breaking some records this year in weekly top 4 finishes. Currently, Danny has made it into the top-4 six times out of the six tournaments he has attended this year. The only other player who comes close to that record is Albert Ortiz. Albert has had seven top-4 finishes in the nine tournaments he has attended this year. Danny and Albert are both currently tied with three 1st place finishes each this year. However, neither Danny nor Albert would take the lead in wins this week. It was the recently resurfaced amateur, Olaf Krell, who took home the title this time.

Olaf went on a tear and was in the running to take home the entire $140 SWEEP POT until facing Brian Accrocco late in the tournament. Olaf won the match, but not before Brian took a single 7-6 game off of him. After that match, Olaf faced his old University of Houston practice buddy, Danny Hynes. Just like old times, Danny laid the wood to Olaf in the first set... but Danny had to beat him twice. Olaf's sporatic offense and insane over-the-mallet shots -- along with his 4 point spot -- were just too much for the champ. Olaf won it in 2 games and took home his first win of the year! Congrats Olaf!

Newlyweds Lazaro and Sara Garcia made it out for their first weekly as husband and wife... although it seems that the honeymoon took a little of the edge off their games. Now that the wedding planning is over, we hope you guys can make it out to more weeklies!

In an effort to drive our attendance numbers up and stir up some interest in our tournaments, we're throwing some extra money into the SWEEP POT. This Friday, the SWEEP POT will be valued at $175!


Any eligible player can win the SWEEP POT by making in through a weekly event without losing a single game.

A tournament must have a minimum of 12 players in order for the SWEEP POT to be available. Should a weekly tournament have few than 12 players, the prize pot will simply carry over to the next event.

The SWEEP POT is made up of a portion of weekly entry fees that is set aside from week to week along with a portion donated by the promotional organization. Players must have participated in at least 2 of last 4 Kicks Houston weekly events at any given time to be eligible to win 100% of the prize. A player who participates in fewer than 2 of the last 4 of the Kicks Houston weekly events is eligible to win 50% of the total prize pot.

Here's the complete results for the weekly:

1. Olaf Krell (2) - $40
2. Danny Hynes (6) - $25
3. Brian Accrocco (5) - $10
4. Keith Garcia (3)
5-6. Niki Jaquette (4)
5-6. Chris Clemens (0)
7-8. Chris Phillips (2)
7-8. Joanne Flores (1)
9-12. Andrew Flanagan (4)
9-12. Anthony Marino (6)
9-12. Sara Garcia (0)
9-12. Vince Schappell (5)
13-16. Shawn Babendure (3)
13-16. Albert Ortiz (4)
13-16. Albert Ortiz Jr. (0)
13-16. Lazaro Garcia (3)

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