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Russian Championship rankings (0 comments)
A Russian Championship tournament was held a couple weeks ago, and it sounds like there is a lot of air-hockey interest brewing over there! Photos have been sent, so I'll be uploading them soon! More will be posted later as we get more information.

Here are the top 20 ranked players right now:
1.Berezkin Alexandr
2.Belavin Dima
3.Belavina Alexsia
4.Voskoboinikov Andrei
5.Grishin Sergey
6.Katulsky Ruslan
7.Evdokimov Alexandr
8.Pasechnik Ruslan
9.Legkov Anton
10.Shadrin Pavel
11.Lazarev Vassiliy
12.Okuneva Lena
13.Okunev Alexandr
14.Golovkina Ola
15.Okunev Dima
16.Belavina Irina
17.Glinchikova Ola
18.Zaporozchev Alex
19.Gracheva Olga
20.Sheiko Taras

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