| googlematt
- 17 Oct 2017
Total Posts: 4
Hi All,
Some of you may know of me through our North Carolina air hockey group. See here: https://www.facebook.com/NCAirHockey/
Anyways, moving to Salt Lake is a bit of a blessing and a curse because I've got to leave behind all the hard work put into the NC scene, let alone all my buddies and practice partners. Also shout out to Kurt Zehnder who originally started the Raleigh Tournaments and will continue running the NC Air Hockey group.
I'm going to be starting over, but I wanted to see if there's already some air hockey out in Salt Lake. If not, I'd like to find a good location and get it started.
Thanks All!
-Matt W
| goran
- 24 Oct 2017
Total Posts: 428
No group that we know of, but it would be awesome if you can get one started!
| googlematt
- 01 Dec 2017
Total Posts: 4
It's been a bit tough finding a decent public table to play on. There are a few bowling alleys that have Dynamo tables, but the local arcades do NOT upkeep their tables at all. Most of them are beyond a good cleaning. Might just buy a table and try to cram it into my apartment
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