| _pof_
- 02 Dec 2013
Total Posts: 14
Howdy folks, I'm trying to get weekly tournaments up and running in the Huntsville, AL area.
We have a group of active players at our office where we have a Dynamo. Lunch feuds can get pretty heated.
I'm not aware of any local tables in public locations, but I am beginning my hunt. Let me know if you're in the area and you want to play a match.
| Mole Hill Will
- 02 Dec 2013
Total Posts: 47
I'm 3 hours away but I'm game
| jsbritton
- 04 Dec 2013
Total Posts: 421
i have a friend that lives there ... i'll check into it.
| _pof_
- 20 Dec 2013
Total Posts: 14
Please do @jsbritton!
| carolina phil
- 20 Dec 2013
Total Posts: 1084
Very glad that finally the Spirit of the Table moves over the South, Alabama and Tennessee! As a South Carolinian migrant to Texas, I have always wondered why the South has no AH activity. Georgia was an exception, but it has faded there.
The South has a great tradition of warrior competition, from duels to football. But, AH seems not to flourish there since its origins in the 1970's. Instead we find AH hotbeds in California, Colorado, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas.
What gives? Did the Yankees kill off the bloodline of future AH players?
Well, my ggfather made it through the entire War so that AH would arise through: Carolina Phil
| jsbritton
- 19 Jan 2015
Total Posts: 421
it hasn't faded in GA the way it has in PA. ;)
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