| BRoss
- 09 Aug 2013
Total Posts: 5
I run the Northwest Air Hockey Federation in Eugene Oregon, we have weekly tournaments at Level Up Arcade (13th and oak st) at 7pm every Sunday!
If you're interested please visit our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthwestAirHockeyFederation
| tableman
- 09 Aug 2013
Total Posts: 690
Very good, we need more players in the Northwest. Hope a few of you can make it to the Worlds in Chicago, the only World Championship for 2013. Even if you don't, you can still get a USAA rating by playing challenge games, sets or matches.
| fractalzoom
- 30 Aug 2013
Total Posts: 201
I booked my ticket.. the last weekend of September, I'll be flying out to Oregon on vacation and visiting Brian and everyone else at Level Up.
Should be fun.
| fractalzoom
- 01 Oct 2013
Total Posts: 201
Oh man, I had such a great time at Level Up.
For those who don't know, I went out to Eugene to play in their weekly tournament, see what they're all about and dole out some knowledge to up everyone's game.
First off, Level Up is a place I wish we had around here. There's no beercade that I know of that has a good air hockey table in this town.
I met a group of pretty hardcore players who, like everyone, has their own table personality and skills. It's one of the things I love about this sport is just seeing all the different styles that just naturally pop up.
I got to give my spiel, answer questions and then give critique's of everyone's form. I like to think that I didn't try to force anyone into changing their style of play, but to give people a better understanding of how to get better and exemplify their game.
Every time I played, I tried to play in a different way... to show everyone what's possible (I even played left handed... hoping to show that deceptive shots will win even if your defense/puck control is awful). Though, it probably came off as me being a jerk (sorry Brian). But I changed my pace, used pump fakes/delays, lots of drifts, off-goals, forehands, left walls, crosses, cuts.. everything. Maybe they just thought I was schizophrenic with my approach.
...and I even taught them "press your luck" and how they could turn it into a drinking game.
I just had a heck of a great time. Brian and everyone were great hosts, Little and Big Smokey were wearing matching air hockey t-shirts (and said they were planning on making it to the Worlds!), my Level Up t-shirt is already covered in cat hair from me wearing it at home, and I can't wait to go back.
Thanks again!
| Red puck
- 23 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 193
Are there still tournaments being held every Sunday at Level-Up? Just making sure.
What kind of tables are you guys playing on?
I am interested in coming out to Level-Up to play. -Ben
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