| Mauro
- 23 Jan 2012
Total Posts: 83
Well, yes, air hockey looks pretty active in the small central European republic.
I copy-paste the message i've just received from Jakub Hasil:
"Air-hockey is played in several cities now, most active groups are in Kromeriz and in Cebin. There are a) tournaments of Czech Cup (played on Dynamo or on another brands) and b) rating (on Dynamo only). Throw both a participant may qualify for national championship (on Dynamo tables). There are also some competitions for teams since 2010. The season 2011 finished in December by national championship and the new one will start in January or February. You should visit the website - http://www.airhockey.cz/ ... in Czech only ;)"
Their website has lots of pictures, which show they are (finally) playing on Dynamo Hot Flash tables (it's not easy to get better tables in Europe...).
Good news for our still small air hockey world
| Q
- 23 Jan 2012
Total Posts: 497
This is great. It looks like they report matches for the rating system as well from reading through parts of their site.
Here is the link to the google Czech to English translation of their page: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=cs&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.airhockey.cz%2F
| carolina phil
- 24 Jan 2012
Total Posts: 1084
AH is trans-national. It is International and Pan Galatic!
Phil A.
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