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Forums Home / The Local Scene / Long Island Air Hockey - meet-up #1 - 11/2/11 ( View Older Thread | View Newer Thread)

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captain2man - 01 Nov 2011
Total Posts: 42
Just a reminder to anyone in the Long Island/NYC area that the first (and hopefully not last) meet-up of the Long Island Air Hockey group will be tomorrow night - Wednesday, November 2nd - at 8 p.m. at Hub Billiards located at 4060 Austin Blvd., Island Park, NY.


You can find our group on Facebook by simply searching for "Long Island Air Hockey".
travis - 02 Nov 2011
Total Posts: 530
Awesome! Let us know how it goes!

Travis Luscombe
AirHockeyWorld.com Webmaster
captain2man - 02 Nov 2011
Total Posts: 42
travis said:
Awesome! Let us know how it goes!

I definitely will.

I'm not expecting a huge turnout this time around....we could have as few as 5 - or as many as a dozen - not really sure. Hopefully somewhere in between.

I want to whet the appetite.....friends tell friends....and so on.

Gotta start somewhere.

captain2man - 03 Nov 2011
Total Posts: 42
I think the meet-up went well.

The attendees were basically my friends - but hey - you gotta start somewhere.

Thanks to Mike Rosen (and his brother, Craig) for coming down.

We had about 8 people there and tried to do a little makeshift tourney - but it really just devolved into just a casual, "I'll play you next." type of thing.

Mike didn't really do any clinic or instruction as I had sort of envisioned - but maybe that type of thing is better in a real small setting of only a couple of people.

While everyone that actually plays air hockey has to admit it's a tremendous amount of fun - it doesn't mean everyone necessarily wants to play competitively or actively learn to get better.

Nonetheless, I think my friends were pretty blown away by Mike's skills - and - at the very least - they realized there's a whole lot more to this game than just knocking a puck back and forth hoping it'll go in.

At the same time as our meet-up, the billiards club was hosting a qualifying tournament for a national "Pong" tournament in Atlantic City (i.e., beer pong - but played with water instead of beer).....during some downtime, a few guys came over & wanted to challenge the best player there - it was fun watching Mike crush each of them - but that actually worked well for us since each of those guys were very enthusiastic about joining our little group and playing more in the future.

Perhaps most importantly, the guys who own the place could not possibly be more enthusiastic about air hockey & truly cultivating a scene here. They realize it will take time - but their end game is to - eventually - host a full-blown sanctioned USAA tournament. My goal is to try to get them to that point.

They are renovating a currently unused upstairs portion which is huge - and they are going to pull in a few more air hockey tables (Rosen was going over some brochures with them).

I think we're going to ditch the casual meet-up idea (I mean - anyone can just decide to go play whenever they want) and go for tournaments instead.

I think we're going to shoot for our first one in mid-December....maybe $10/person or something like that....find a way to structure the tournament so that the top 2 or 3 places get paid and also so that everyone plays enough that they feel they got their money's worth.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to properly structure a tournament, I'd love to hear from you.

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Forums Home / The Local Scene / Long Island Air Hockey - meet-up #1 - 11/2/11