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| fupersly
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 231
Wow... something odd goes down with Davis, and suddenly Don comes out of the woodwork to blast him and make demands of the USAA board when we haven't seen hide nor hair of him in nearly a year (and the hair part even longer). And then on top of that, proceeds to half-drop a racist comment in the process, only serving to further weaken his already weak stance.
Don, if you would like to lodge a formal complaint to the USAA board, you are welcome to do so on this forum. Of course, if you had actually bothered to care about Air Hockey as much as you say you do, you would be able to do so in the USAA-only section instead of trying to drag Davis through the mud (or lynch, whichever term you prefer) for all to see because you allowed your membership in the organization you hold in such high esteem to expire. It's odd how you would pick this particular time to make such a venomous attack when nobody else - even Billy, who was so horribly aggrieved, as you put it - doesn't bother to mention it.
For the record, while Davis is a close friend and someone I respect a great deal, his conduct when dealing with referees mid-match has always been something I have had an issue with and tried to encourage him to avoid. I'm not here to make excuses for him or his actions, but he is certainly not the only player to ever make a mistake on the table and he won't be the last, and it makes no sense to try to castrate him over something he has already expressed remorse for. Whether you choose to believe that his apology is sincere is a personal matter, not one to debate in public while continuing to sling mud and cast aspersions on his character.
Then again, I don't know why I would ever have expected anything different from you. I'm not sure if this is latent anger driven by your quitting of the sport, jealously over Davis' accomplishments since he began his rise to the top of the sport en route to two World Championships, or if you just have some personal axe to grind that goes beyond any logic I could wrap my head around. Either way, it's completely uncalled for and unnecessary, and nobody else here cares half as much as you (and apparently Tim) do about "what really happened". Nobody else here is "demanding" footage of anything. I really love how you don't want to let anyone sweep this under the rug for the sake of truth and justice, yet you live in a world where you still think you were unfairly punished for PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING another player in broad daylight for all to see, as if what Davis just did was more outrageous than your previous behavior that we're all supposed to have conveniently forgotten about.
So whether you choose to believe it or not, Don, YOU are the sham and coward you accuse Davis of being. YOU are the one who hasn't had the courage to put your balls on the table in a major tournament since having them bruised, beaten, and smashed in by Nick Geoffroy over 5 years ago. (thanks, Nick!) (con't)
| fupersly
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 231
In fact, as far as the world of Air Hockey is concerned, you barely exist as anything other than an outdated player profile with no meaningful updates since 2006, and spotty (at best) participation or relevance prior to that. When you boil it all down, you are an insignificant speck on the landscape of the Air Hockey world who has contributed next to nothing to the health or growth of the sport for as long as you've been involved, and I see no reason to believe you will ever truly change. In fact, I'm pretty sure you don't want to change. I imagine you'll continue to do what you've done for most of your career, which is to hide behind the excellence of players you have sycophantically hand-picked and latched onto in some attempt to make the world see you as being better than what you are due to your "talent scouting" prowess, rather than bothering to actually try to make a name for yourself based on your own skill or merit because you don't have what it takes to be a champion. And you know it.
And now anyone who didn't know it before knows it, too.
| TheAirHockeyGuy
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 472
Even though it didn't go down this way, i'm just curious. If Davis walks away from the table and the puck is in his goal, can't you just count to 10 call a foul and give the puck to Billy until the game is over?
Chris Lee Co-Founder, CEO Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
| travis
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 530
This message is to everyone.
If you all want to have a civilized discussion about the results / reprocussions of the match between Davis and Billy, then that's great.
If you want to instigate, belittle, or make personal attacks, then I'll start handing out suspensions. This is your only warning. Play nice or get out.
That is all.
Travis Luscombe Webmaster
| stubbs7
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 582
Jesus Christ already....
To Don, next week we'll post the footage of the last game (once we're no longer over our Vimeo limit). You'll see Davis get down 4-0, then I say "c'mon don't phone it in". Then Davis forfeits and walks over to my side of the table and shakes my hand. No big deal. We just felt it maybe wasn't good note to end on after having such a great rest of the match.
To Joe, say what you want about Don, but he has hosted and organized major tourneys, was VP of the USAA, wrote the USAA's constitution, and is responsible for the Carter Cup. To say that he's an "insignificant speck on the landscape of the Air Hockey world" is probably not the best choice of words.
OK, I am walking away from this thread now. We have had some really exciting air hockey news. Two major tournaments announced in the last two days. That's awesome!
| fupersly
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 231
stubbs7 said: To Joe, say what you want about Don, but he has hosted and organized major tourneys, was VP of the USAA, wrote the USAA's constitution, and is responsible for the Carter Cup. To say that he's an "insignificant speck on the landscape of the Air Hockey world" is probably not the best choice of words. |
Be that as it may, you know as well as I do that we live in a "what have you done for me lately?" world. I've certainly made my mistakes (like my last term as VP, for example) and burned plenty of bridges in my day, so I'm certainly not here to say I'm perfect or pretend like I'm some kind of saint who is above reproach. But no matter what you might think of me, I refuse to stand by and let someone insult and make baseless, personal, and spiteful accusations about someone I consider a friend without saying something back.
I guess I'll leave it at that.
| jasonstevens
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 176
Lol at Don trolling.
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 658
DRAGO said: Nizzi said, "...but of Davis surpassing me [Nizzi] as the number one crazy bad selfish sportsman of Airhockey..."
Nizzi had some forfeits in tournaments (always before the match or tournament started) that he took some well deserved heat for in the past. But Nizzi has never held this title (although that 'lil Fella near him has long been a contender) the fact is between O'Crazy, Cane, and pd, California has long been home to the sports' numero uno whiney bitch bad sport.
This is not the first time we have seen a "chi..." errr "dent in the pd's mental armor" (or should I say his paper scales?). His low self esteem and thin skin is how he garnered the pd nickname to begin with. Anyone else notice how at the last Houston nationals after an embarrassing finish he was a no-show (suddenly found a red-eye flight?) at the banquet? Of course when he finishes well you can find him sitting near the stage wide-eared.
Nizzi later commented: "...Thank god there wasn't a lot riding on this match..."
I believe this was in jest. However, it bears mentioning again that this match was for NUMBER ONE USAA RANKING (not to mention MiBS points). Speaking of the importance of this "match":
Where is the outrage? Phil Arnold, you are too quiet. You are the number one proponent of matches being about honor and matches for number one being about the gold! Where is the outrage? Mark Robbins, you have read this thread. You have contributed to the rules discussion distraction obscuring the real issue. Where is the outrage?
Gentlemen, if you are the grandfathers of the sport, then this situation DEMANDS your attention.
And just so you don't think I'm playing favorites let me call out a couple of other people, and these are people that are MY GUYS.
Q and Billy - Post the UNEDITED VIDEO. If not, take down the edited version. The AH world demands the footage.
Maybe its just me but I think Don is hilarious. I laughed for weeks when he nicknamed me "Snowflake" a while back. This was while many others were calling me "The Avalanche". The fact that I had forfeited, and in essence FLAKED OUT at times, I even found the name fitting. Lol. Anyways, I've been listening to a lot of talk radio lately, and Don kind of reminds me of Neal Boortz, but funnier. I've dropped the Democratic party (for now) and enjoy looking at things more straight up instead of all color coated and politically correct. I credit Don with not being a fake and for being real. Even if he gets a little offensive here and there. I find his posts intelligent, humorous, amusing, and over the top at times, but that's just how it goes. As for a proper punishment, maybe we could just get a big stick like they do in other countries and just have Don CAIN Davis....uhh...I mean 'pd'. ;)
Sincerely ,
Snowflake :)
| tableman
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 690
TheAirHockeyGuy said: Even though it didn't go down this way, i'm just curious. If Davis walks away from the table and the puck is in his goal, can't you just count to 10 call a foul and give the puck to Billy until the game is over? |
A VERY experienced ref would have done just that. Wait 10 seconds... give the puck to Billy... then repeat. Unless Davis calls a time-out, that should be the procedure.
Of course Davis short-circuited that by walking over to Billy to shake his hand. The ref should have informed Davis the match wasn't over... yet. :)
| tableman
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 690
DRAGO said: Nizzi said, "...but of Davis surpassing me [Nizzi] as the number one crazy bad selfish sportsman of Airhockey..."
Nizzi had some forfeits in tournaments (always before the match or tournament started) that he took some well deserved heat for in the past.
In my very first challenge match with Nizzi, I came from behind and rolled enough games in a row that Nizzi called it quits and forfeited the last few games.
Ah yes, the good old days... when I could intimidate Nizzi on the table....
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 658
tableman said: DRAGO said: Nizzi said, "...but of Davis surpassing me [Nizzi] as the number one crazy bad selfish sportsman of Airhockey..."
Nizzi had some forfeits in tournaments (always before the match or tournament started) that he took some well deserved heat for in the past.
In my very first challenge match with Nizzi, I came from behind and rolled enough games in a row that Nizzi called it quits and forfeited the last few games.
Ah yes, the good old days... when I could intimidate Nizzi on the table....
Mark reignite my pain, Mark. Our match that night got interrupted, Because a certain someone showed up late, due to their wake up time being like 8pm. Thus we had to finish our match somewhere else on a different table. My forfeiture then was just the beginning of many unspeakable horrors I'd be casting onto the AH community. Back in my hey day, Davis had nothing on me! ;)
| tableman
- 01 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 690
marknizzi said: tableman said: DRAGO said: Nizzi said, "...but of Davis surpassing me [Nizzi] as the number one crazy bad selfish sportsman of Airhockey..."
Nizzi had some forfeits in tournaments (always before the match or tournament started) that he took some well deserved heat for in the past.
In my very first challenge match with Nizzi, I came from behind and rolled enough games in a row that Nizzi called it quits and forfeited the last few games.
Ah yes, the good old days... when I could intimidate Nizzi on the table....
Mark reignite my pain, Mark. Our match that night got interrupted, Because a certain someone showed up late, due to their wake up time being like 8pm. Thus we had to finish our match somewhere else on a different table. My forfeiture then was just the beginning of many unspeakable horrors I'd be casting onto the AH community. Back in my hey day, Davis had nothing on me! ;)
Nice try Nizzi. I wasn't late for the match. Broomfield Bowl (your regular hang-out, not mine) closed early. So we had to go to Coal Creek, which had an even better and faster table. So your losing had to be the TABLE'S fault, not yours....
- 02 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 658
tableman said: marknizzi said: tableman said: DRAGO said: Nizzi said, "...but of Davis surpassing me [Nizzi] as the number one crazy bad selfish sportsman of Airhockey..."
Nizzi had some forfeits in tournaments (always before the match or tournament started) that he took some well deserved heat for in the past.
In my very first challenge match with Nizzi, I came from behind and rolled enough games in a row that Nizzi called it quits and forfeited the last few games.
Ah yes, the good old days... when I could intimidate Nizzi on the table....
Mark reignite my pain, Mark. Our match that night got interrupted, Because a certain someone showed up late, due to their wake up time being like 8pm. Thus we had to finish our match somewhere else on a different table. My forfeiture then was just the beginning of many unspeakable horrors I'd be casting onto the AH community. Back in my hey day, Davis had nothing on me! ;)
Nice try Nizzi. I wasn't late for the match. Broomfield Bowl (your regular hang-out, not mine) closed early. So we had to go to Coal Creek, which had an even better and faster table. So your losing had to be the TABLE'S fault, not yours....
Ooooohh, my bad! Please accept my apologies and have another hit at the snooze button! I must have been mistaken. Or maybe I just confused our match with your showing up late at the nationals with one of your matches a few months later in which u were getting FORFEITED, but valiantly argued your way outta that one! Now.....put down the dirt claude and go have a nap!
| tableman
- 04 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 690
marknizzi said:
Ooooohh, my bad! Please accept my apologies and have another hit at the snooze button! I must have been mistaken. Or maybe I just confused our match with your showing up late at the nationals with one of your matches a few months later in which u were getting FORFEITED, but valiantly argued your way outta that one! Now.....put down the dirt claude and go have a nap!
Nizzi, I wish your AH game was as predictable as you are off the Table. Any perceived slight to your ego by anyone, and you reach into your tired old bag of dirt (real or imagined) on that person and dredge up the same old stuff. Isn't this one from like 12 years ago? Don't you have anything new?
And oh BTW - the real reason you forfeited that match to me had nothing to do with the table (your usual scapegoat) or me being late (I wasn't) or even the bowling alley closing too early. It's that I got inspired and won like 8 games in a row and you clearly saw that it was hopeless.
Having said that - I'll admit that you're a way better player now. I'm lucky to get a game off you. In fact, you're my toughest opponent, and that includes the top 4 in AH - Billy, Danny, Ehab, Davis.
But you're starting to get old, and soon your game will start falling off. So I'll just hang in there til I'm beating you again.... :)
- 04 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 658
Ohh...Well excuse me Mr. High and mighty! Mr."Creator of the new table"! "King of the body scratch! "Lord of the fleas!" :) you're too busy pointing out everyone else's dirt, you don't even notice all the mud you have on that hole infested shirt you still wear from the 80's! Ill gladly admit I forfeited that challenge match 12 years ago when I was a young airhockey player. Thanks for telling me EXACTLY how i am and how i think and for bringing it all up out of nowhere. Just don't start a fight u can't finish and get all upset when the response doesn't line up with everything you feel and think about on the subject.
Oh and btw.....thanks for the compliments too. :)
| jsbritton
- 10 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 421
after being away for a year or two ... nothing's changed.
entire thread/s... LOL
- 11 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 658
James since when have you been away for a year or two? Have you confused the word, "year" with "month", maybe? If so that might explain why nothing's changed. :)
| jsbritton
- 11 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 421
marknizzi said: James since when have you been away for a year or two? Have you confused the word, "year" with "month", maybe? If so that might explain why nothing's changed. :) |
no actually mark i have only been on the forums a handful of times over the course of two years.
- 11 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 658
Okay ,then you haven't been gone a year or two then if you've still been visiting, even if its been just a "handful" of times. Welcome back, James! :)
| jsbritton
- 11 Mar 2012
Total Posts: 421
marknizzi said: Okay ,then you haven't been gone a year or two then if you've still been visiting, even if its been just a "handful" of times. Welcome back, James! :) |
thanks mark, but far less than you likely think. i posted something everytime i looked at the site if that tells you anything. air hockey and this forum used to be one of my greatest sources of joy. that was completely eliminated and annilhilated. once added to the other primary sources of stress in my life ... it was simply too much for me at the time. now all of the other issues in my life are far, far worse. so again i come here hoping to remember better times and to rediscover that lost desire.
we are a bit off topic which oddly enough was the main reason i posted my comment about things not changing. lol...
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Forums Home / Tournaments and Challenges / Davis Lee Huynh vs. Billy Stubbs - Results