| brain
- 22 Sep 2010
Total Posts: 578
Donovan Brown has graciously offered up his home for an air-hockey party on Saturday, October 9. He is interested in having 1-2 matches to start earlier in the day leading up to the main event - #9 Brian Accrocco challenging #8 Evan Siegworth to start at 7 pm.
As always it is a BYOB and BYOF (food) affair. But we probably be plan to order a bunch of Little Ceasar's $5 pizzas if people want to chip in. And you can bring snacks, drinks, and heck we will have a grill if somebody want to throw down some burger patties or sausage. As I have a big match to focus on, I won't be doing any cooking. But ain't nobody stoppin' somebody else. :)
As the event draws nearer, more information will be shared. If you have a potential undercard match, send me a private message or email or post it in this thread and I'll discuss the offers with Donovan and we'll select the best choices. We's love to have at least 1 youth match. I know Tyler Gibson and Sarah Weissman were supposed to play, and it never happened. Perhaps they could play. Or Colin Cummings versus Peyton Shelley. Or Peyton versus Jacob Weissman. Those would be good matches. Or my son, Steven Accrocco versus anybody. 2 Accrocco matches in one day. That would be cool!
But all are invited to come out and celebrate the world' greatest sport and play some games and witness two air-hockey masters battle it out for the #8 world ranking.
Brian Accrocco
| brain
- 05 Oct 2010
Total Posts: 578
It is official. Michael Cummings will play Keith Garcia at Donovan's at 2:30 pm. Steven Accrocco challenges Colin Cummings also at 2:30 pm.
I will play Evan Siegworth at 7:00 pm or later (if the Mike/Keith match goes past 7).
All are invited to attend. We will be buying pizzas from Litte Ceasars, so bring a couplf of bucks if you want to eat. Also will have sodas. If you want booze, bring it. Doors open at 2:30 and go until Donovan boots us out! :)
See everybody there.
Brian Accrocco
| Donovan
- 07 Oct 2010
Total Posts: 136
Looking forward to it. A party at my place is long overdue. I am sure the camera will be running so check ustream or protablesports.com for live coverage.
| Donovan
- 09 Oct 2010
Total Posts: 136
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Forums Home / Tournaments and Challenges / Air-hockey Challenge Match party at Donovans Oct 9