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ajflanagan - 07 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 509
Judging from the unusually quiet forums, you'd never know we were about to crown the 2010 ZWACK AIR HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPION in just 10 days! This is the first time in Air Hockey history that we've obtained NOT ONE BUT TWO HUGE corporate sponsors... something we've all only dreamed of until now.

Our generous sponsors, Zwack and Red Stripe Light, are banking on us to help build their brands! WE NEED YOU THERE. HAVE YOU SIGNED UP FOR THE 2010 ZWACK AIR HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP YET???

stubbs7 - 08 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 582
The corporate sponsorship is great. How is the money being used?
ajflanagan - 08 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 509
As you know with any tournament, there are a lot of costs involved. Traditionally, it's been hard for promotional groups to do much more than buy shirts, trophies and give back a few dollars in cash prizes. With Zwack and Red Stripe behind us this year - along with donations from my company and the venue, SRO - we have had a little more financial freedom to test the waters.

The TAG guys - with a lot of help from the Houston player base - have worked tirelessly all year to continue to grow our player base and increase local and global awareness of competitive air hockey. We have been running print ads in local publications for several months and blasting social media outlets with constant information. It's a neverending battle.

Thankfully, the print campaign has really paid off. We have a number of new players... and committed new players. Yes, they are coming back for more! I believe a combination of our special weekly Amateur Only events combined with our handicap system has kept the new players coming back for more.

The print campaign also brought about a connection with ESPN Radio!

We are planting seeds... seeds that could have never been planted without proper funding.

With that said -- YES -- there will still be AMAZING awards, tshirts and CASH PRIZES at the 2010 ZWACK AIR HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!


jsbritton - 09 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 421
blah blah blah ...

so again, "the corporate sponsorship is great. (thanks mike rosen) ... but how is the money (and sponsorship opportunities) going to be used?"

other than the growth of an isolated local player base in houston of course ... ???

forgive billy and i for feeding the trolls, but this is a legitimate question obviously.

travis - 09 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 530
James, the sponsorship was a joint effort between TAG and Mike Rosen. As Andrew stated, we have been using the money and sponsorship opportunities to promote air hockey and the upcoming 2010 Zwack Air Hockey World Championships. If you or anyone else would like to talk about specifics or offer recommendations, we'd be more than happy to discuss it at more detail after the tournament, when we aren't all extremely busy getting the event together.

Travis Luscombe
AirHockeyWorld.com Webmaster
stubbs7 - 09 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 582
James, I wasn't trying to imply anything with my question. Just wondering, as a possible participant, how the tournament will be different due to the sponsorships that TAG secured. Will there be more and better prizes, free food, massage girls etc? :)

Thanks guys.

MRosen - 09 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 71
travis said:
James, the sponsorship was a joint effort between TAG and Mike Rosen. If you or anyone else would like to talk about specifics or offer recommendations, we'd be more than happy to discuss it at more detail after the tournament, when we aren't all extremely busy getting the event together.

Especially with thanks to you, Travis; who has worked so hard behind the scenes; as do many of the TAG staff and the families that support them (ie. like Andrew Flanagan and all of his business efforts).

As Brian Accrocco of TAG put it on June 28th, 2010 with the request that I "do the honors" of posting: "I... consulted with Travis on the matters at hand, and his perspective and leadership proved effective in shaping the attitude and the direction to take. We agreed that Michael brings a wealth of skill and strength to the sport, all of which should be acknowledged and included in this event. Thus we asked Michael Rosen if Major League Air Hockey would take a larger role as a co-sponsor, and he accepted. Michael agreed to dive in full force over the next 3 weeks to help push and promote and bring the excitement for which he has such amazing talents. Our combined synergy will lead to the most fun and exciting 2010 Zwack Air Hockey World Championships event ever held."

At this point, it must be noted that there has been a great effort to welcome Diageo and its great brands into Air Hockey. Their in-house professional brand marketing and outside public relations (Proof Media Mix of CO) are quite diverse in programming scope with Managed Bar Nights, The NHL Awards Night Las Vegas 2010 event series (Guinness World Record, Universal Record Database Records, Arianny Celeste Zwack Air Hockey photo shoot, NHL exposure, Charity Air Hockey match, Stanley Cup photos, and more!), this 2010 Zwack Air Hockey World Championships event series, and additional future regional recreational tournaments in multiple states. The July events are just a part of a much larger and amazing relationship. It is with Diageo's overall interests and outreach that I have enjoyed encouraging and working with the most. They are the ones to be grateful for... so please thank them, enjoy their brands, and promote them as well.

Together, we all look forward to an incredible event series that celebrates Air Hockey and our great sponsors like Zwack, Red Stripe Light, Valley-Dynamo, SRO, etc.!

As with each tournament, I always put out a call for donations (and put in the first $100) towards athletes, country teams, and retired professionals in need. Please e-mail me privately regarding general pledges and earmarks. Thank you ~ and I look forward to seeing you all at the events!

Michael "Ricochet" Rosen
Commissioner - Major League Air Hockey
sjrbat - 09 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 527
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Zwack, Red Stripe, and SRO for sponsoring this year's tournament.
As SRO has noticed that air-hockey players are dedicated to their sport. Many players play challenge matches and practice games at SRO so we can support their business.

Hopefully we can do the same for our new sponsors so they will be back again.

I have also noticed negative criticism towards the TAG team in general. I just dont understand that. This team has been dedicated to air-hockey and has spent countless hours of their personal time for the sport. If a person doesnt agree with their methods, apply yourself and show us a better one, otherwise put aside your personal biases toward individuals (keep them private if you really need to talk) and help support our new sponsors and the sport of air-hockey.

sjrbat - 09 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 527
Since we are a week away where are all the predictions??!!!

Keith ?
Tim W.
Ehab ? (bum shoulder still?)
Jose ?

So according to the list above, is a Danny vs. Tim W. the finals expected?
That would be pretty good. Better than watching Danny 4-0 Ehab. :)

jasonstevens - 09 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 176
Personally I don't think a public forum is the place to discuss HOW sponsorship money is used (nothing personal meant to anyone that has asked this in this thread or any other time). Ask that kind of stuff directly to the TAG members via PM.

niki - 10 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 13
wow!! JSB is officially the new assclown. blah, blah, blah.

Thanks to TAG for working endless hours to make this tournament happen. Don't let the haters bring you down. You are doing an awesome job and without your dedication and hardwork, there would be no tournaments for us to enjoy and attend. Can't wait!!
jsbritton - 10 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 421
niki said:
wow!! JSB is officially the new assclown. blah, blah, blah.

Thanks to TAG for working endless hours to make this tournament happen. Don't let the haters bring you down. You are doing an awesome job and without your dedication and hardwork, there would be no tournaments for us to enjoy and attend. Can't wait!!

lol ... just giving him a taste of his own medicine from time to time. nothing more. as far as being an assclown ... i think flanagan will forever hold the record. ;)

niki - 10 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 13
I have to disagree...as of late, you are owning the title.
jsbritton - 10 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 421
niki said:
I have to disagree...as of late, you are owning the title.

no. i only chimed in due to his chinese airport comment. these energies are his own creation and always have been. good to hear from you though. ;)
drftwd - 11 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 70
Assclown he is not! Britton is the new AssMonkey!
jsbritton - 11 Jul 2010
Total Posts: 421
no, that's not it either, though i have seen the way you eye my banana.

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