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TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472

Brian and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support for the TSO, both in attendance and in viewing. The event team enjoyed serving you, and we hope that you found the event to be a memorable experience. During the event, we heard many discussions regarding the new AHPA organization and its intentions. Many of you are curious about what the future will hold, and have expressed some interest in understanding more of what AHPA is about.

The AHPA will be a business entity having the same overall goal as the USAA, to promote the sport of Air Hockey. Its structure will be vastly different than the USAA in some aspects and similar in others. Brian and I have already agreed upon the design of certain components, and others will evolve as we continue to research other sporting entities and process constructive recommendations from valued members of this community.

Brian currently is attending an MBA program, and I recently completed my MBA program. Our combined experience and education has led to a very important conclusion - business success is directly dependent on its ability to serve its customers and retain their patronage. We recognize the importance of providing great service to you, our customers through sound decision-making and responsible leadership. We recognize that in the business world, customers have options, and businesses that find the right balance of profitability and service to its customers and fair treatment of its employees experience great success, while those that fail to achieve this balance ultimately do not survive.

Some people have asked why we didn't wait until we had every "i" dotted and "t" crossed before we went public. It is a fair question. We plan to design AHPA with an element of growth "flexibility". This is a common "entrepreneurial" model for a startup business. You "figure it out" as you go. Given our immediate circumstances, we felt this business model was the best logical choice. Much of our business strategy lives between our ears, and, as mentioned earlier, many of you have great ideas that we'd also like to capture and incorporate. In its 36 years of existence. The USAA has excelled in some areas and fallen short in others. We have discussed how we may leverage the USAA's successes and improve upon its shortcomings as part of our evolutionary process.

All that said, Brian and I, in the interest of being transparent with the community, wanted to be clear our intentions and direction for the short and long term and clear up some of the uncertainty. I will post some key points in the following posts.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
1) Mission of AHPA

AHPA is looking beyond the 100-120 active air hockey players that make up a "small pond" and setting its sights on tens if not hundreds of thousands or millions of players worldwide over the next 2 decades. Our goal is to find all Air Hockey players, casual and professional around the globe and unite them. Our primary goal is to build a market of Air Hockey players worldwide. We believe that once you have a viable market of the size we have suggested, all you then need to do are implement sound business strategy and the rest takes care of itself.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
2) Structure of AHPA

AHPA will be a business. There will be a chain of command like any business. There will be executives, managers and employees. Some of you may be offered opportunities to join as the business grows and opportunities arise. We may also bring in outside influence. There will be an organizational component within the business that will offer general membership for Air Hockey players to join, and that membership will entail a cost and have membership benefits. There will be a board of elected leaders who will be given governance authority over certain aspects. (Authority over rules will likely be given to the representative board.) Tournament procedures and sanctioning standards will be created, and there will be a governance process for those as well. There will be a code of conduct. There will be chapters (described later). There will be rewards and accountability. We are also forming an advisory board of individuals that we feel are valuable resources to help keep the AHPA on the right track. Currently, our Dynamo representative sits on that board and we are in the process of contacting other individuals from other sports organizations and business areas as well. I have reached out to one of the founders of the World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA) and he has expressed interest in helping guide us as well.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
3) Relationship with Xtreme Airhockey and other promoters

Xtreme Airhockey is a brand owned by Brian's promotional business, UNAP LLC. We are discussing a merger or partnership where AHPA focuses on governance and Xtreme focuses on promotion and event management. We do not yet know exactly how this will relationship will be structured, only that it will happen. In time, as the governance part of the organization grows, the two may separate. Moreover, if other independent promoters wish to run Air Hockey tournaments, the AHPA will fully support all promoters who comply with AHPA standards. Furthermore, the AHPA recognizes that promotion requires work and risk of capital, and promoters have every right to operate for profit. If a promoter is irresponsible in its financial management, the principles of free market capitalism will necessitate that it will not retain loyal customers and will not survive. If it violates AHPA standards, it will lose its AHPA backing. Likewise if AHPA were to demand authority over aspects of promotion, promoters could choose to abandon AHPA as a sanctioning body. These boundaries will provide the appropriate collaborative relationship between sport promotion and governance.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
4) Rules, Tournament Procedures, Sanctioning Standards, and Rating/Rankings

The rules are currently in the process of being rewritten in "one voice". The language used for many of the rules is has evolved over time and has been amended by many different people and become convoluted and often unclear. Also many core definitions are missing. The intent and meaning of the rules will be preserved, and Brian will consult certain key USAA members for discussion on any areas of uncertainty. Brian has discussed with several prominent USAA senior members about making a change to the pop-out rule. However, after much discussion, Brian and I agreed that no rule changes should go into effect for the 2015 event as a courtesy to players. Furthermore, Brian and I feel strongly that the rules of the sport should be managed by the elected representatives from the player base, and, once we have established that legislative body, any member may use the skills of influence and logic to try to convince the group to make rules changes, a tradition long since established by the USAA, and one that we feel should be preserved.

As for tournament procedures and sanctioning standards, both need to be designed to help and create incentive for promoters to hold tournaments and be able to manage them responsibly and fairly with regards to sponsors, host locations, media, and players. Sanctioning standards will need to be developed in such a way as to set achievable boundaries for promoters and offer value in exchange for any fees or requirements. Moreover, the governance process for sanctioning standards will need to be designed so that they can be altered without too much difficulty. This process needs to be and will be designed for sensible governance and growth.
AHPA will develop its own rankings and rating system as well and will recognize those of the USAA. One difference we can say for certain is that we will be working hard on our own and with the air hockey community to design a system that also encourages regular weekly tournament play.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
5)Local AHPA Chapters
We are absolutely interested in working with local groups (Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Oregon, San Diego, Caracas, etc.) to form chapters who will elect representatives to a governance board. We do not yet know how the structure will work or what the representative to member ratio will be, but we are working on it. We do plan to create a membership level and have guidelines and dues and benefits for members. We are open to suggestions in this area on how this relationship might work for mutual benefit.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
6) History

The AHPA will recognize the entire history of the sport from the invention of the table forward including all tournaments. What counts as a World Championship to the USAA will count as a World Championship to AHPA. That is our sports legacy and our privilege and duty to protect and promote for future generations.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
That's the AHPA in a nutshell. Brian and I have even more ideas banking around in our brains and as soon as we can get more of them down on paper, we will solicit the opinions of the players to see if they are ideas that you would find beneficial. Many of you have known Brian for a long time, and most of you respect him for his 19 years of dedicated service as both a USAA member and president and promoter having held more tournaments than any other promoter in the sport's history. I am relatively new to the arena, and I have been working hard to earn your respect and support. We hope the combined experience and accomplishments brought forth by Brian combined with the new energy I am bringing will create a synergistic partnership that will benefit the sport. We're counting on your support and attendance at the 2015 World Championships, and we look forward to your joining us as we step off of the cliff into a new era for our sport.

If anyone has any questions at all or any ideas they want us to consider, please reach out to us at chris.lee@theahpa.com or brian.accrocco@theahpa.com or post to our forums at www.theahpa.com. Thank you for your time!

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
tableman - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 690

90% of what you're trying to do can be accomplished in complete cooperation with USAA and following USAA rules and procedures. USAA has evolved to be a rules-making and sanctioning body. It is not a business and it is not an organization that itself organizes tournaments, it leaves that to individual promoters.

You could charge players annual dues (as you plan to do), offer them benefits, and use those funds to run leagues/tournament both local and national, just like the American Darters Association or National Dart Association does. And still be utterly compatible with USAA.

USAA give promoters tremendous latitude, especially with respect to non-Worlds. With Worlds, you just have to use USAA rules and procedures and pay a modest sanctioning fee.

USAA rules of play, procedures, challenge match rules, etc., are decided in a democratic process by a group of veteran players who have chosen to be on the board and participate. Thus our rules evolve as the collective wisdom of many players who actually play the game over a period of years.

The only thing standing in the way of complete cooperation between AHPA and USAA is you and Brian's insistence on complete control of the rules and tournament procedures. I trust the wisdom of 40 years of USAA player decisions on rules over the decisions of any two individuals.

Drop your insistence on controlling the rules and procedures of the sport and AHPA and USAA can grow the sport together.

- 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 658
Good luck with your business pursuit. Since you are trying to appeal to the masses, here is some suggestions or even constructive criticisms to consider regarding your last tournament:

1. There were complaints about the high entry fees and low payouts, and to a very limited number of spots (12), and 12th place was a meager 50 dollars. 13th place and beyond didn't secure even a trophy. I know you are a for profit business, but many found this to be unfair, especially what they paid to get in.

2.Promoters gossiping about players to other players creating a negative environment, even talking about banning proposals for them, to others, based on them considering not playing in the tournament after registering, yet this was a day before the tournament even began. No rules were broken and yet this sort of negativity was escalated and perpetuated by the promoters themselves.

Failing to live up to business agreements: You're asking for the USAA's sanctioning stamp last year, and it was granted, yet you and your team purposely left the USAA Logo out of the flyers in the advertising, thus creating a perception this was not a USAA tournament. Theres some large criticism in your team doing this. After all was said and done, weeks after the tournament you finally requested that the event be sanctioned by the USAA, yet you left them out in the cold during showtime.

Hope you can appreciate some feedback from a player/consumer of your product that he experienced.

TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
marknizzi said:
Good luck with your business pursuit. Since you are trying to appeal to the masses, here is some suggestions or even constructive criticisms to consider regarding your last tournament:

1. There were complaints about the high entry fees and low payouts, and to a very limited number of spots (12), and 12th place was a meager 50 dollars. 13th place and beyond didn't secure even a trophy. I know you are a for profit business, but many found this to be unfair, especially what they paid to get in.

2.Promoters gossiping about players to other players creating a negative environment, even talking about banning proposals for them, to others, based on them considering not playing in the tournament after registering, yet this was a day before the tournament even began. No rules were broken and yet this sort of negativity was escalated and perpetuated by the promoters themselves.

Failing to live up to business agreements: You're asking for the USAA's sanctioning stamp last year, and it was granted, yet you and your team purposely left the USAA Logo out of the flyers in the advertising, thus creating a perception this was not a USAA tournament. Theres some large criticism in your team doing this. After all was said and done, weeks after the tournament you finally requested that the event be sanctioned by the USAA, yet you left them out in the cold during showtime.

Hope you can appreciate some feedback from a player/consumer of your product that he experienced.

1. The numbers from the event were released to the USAA. No profit was gained from the event.

2. I have no comment on this this. This is a personal issue.

3. There is no business agreement that says anything about putting the USAA logo on advertising or flyers. There is nothing saying I even have to have advertising or flyers. Space on flyers and advertising was reserved for sponsors that paid for that space.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
tableman - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 690

If you (or whoever) is going to doctor and edit my posts on ahw, don't add your own words at the end of my post.

What you deleted was this: I spoke to your Dynamo representative at the trade show yesterday, and he thinks it's divisive and unproductive for anyone to start a new player organization to compete directly with USAA. He think we're too small a player base to divide into factions. There was more but I won't repeat it here again.

TWeissman - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 210
tableman said:

If you (or whoever) is going to doctor and edit my posts on ahw, don't add your own words at the end of my post.

What you deleted was this: I spoke to your Dynamo representative at the trade show yesterday, and he thinks it's divisive and unproductive for anyone to start a new player organization to compete directly with USAA. He think we're too small a player base to divide into factions. There was more but I won't repeat it here again.


Yes, Mark mentioned the same thing to me. Dynamo expressed that starting a new player association to directly compete with the USAA was divisive given our numbers.

But, Mark posted this and then it was deleted by someone on here. Does Chris or Brian have admin access to this site?

Take care...

Tim Weissman
USAA President
40th Anniversary Year

- 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 658
TheAirHockeyGuy said:
marknizzi said:
Good luck with your business pursuit. Since you are trying to appeal to the masses, here is some suggestions or even constructive criticisms to consider regarding your last tournament:

1. There were complaints about the high entry fees and low payouts, and to a very limited number of spots (12), and 12th place was a meager 50 dollars. 13th place and beyond didn't secure even a trophy. I know you are a for profit business, but many found this to be unfair, especially what they paid to get in.

2.Promoters gossiping about players to other players creating a negative environment, even talking about banning proposals for them, to others, based on them considering not playing in the tournament after registering, yet this was a day before the tournament even began. No rules were broken and yet this sort of negativity was escalated and perpetuated by the promoters themselves.

Failing to live up to business agreements: You're asking for the USAA's sanctioning stamp last year, and it was granted, yet you and your team purposely left the USAA Logo out of the flyers in the advertising, thus creating a perception this was not a USAA tournament. Theres some large criticism in your team doing this. After all was said and done, weeks after the tournament you finally requested that the event be sanctioned by the USAA, yet you left them out in the cold during showtime.

Hope you can appreciate some feedback from a player/consumer of your product that he experienced.

1. The numbers from the event were released to the USAA. No profit was gained from the event.

2. I have no comment on this this. This is a personal issue.

3. There is no business agreement that says anything about putting the USAA logo on advertising or flyers. There is nothing saying I even have to have advertising or flyers. Space on flyers and advertising was reserved for sponsors that paid for that space.

"Personal issue"? Is that your response to a consumer complaining that you went around at your own tournament that you ran and promoted and verbally bashed him to others and created a negative cloud over the environment? Maybe it was personal, but your ethics as a businessman and promoter(s) are very poor then.

I played anyway in the tournament. Based on that experience and your careless response, don't count on any support, playing or even commentating (like I did for you then as well) from me at this Colorado Springs tournament.
ajflanagan - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 509
Chris, I think it's great that you and Brian put forth the effort to challenge yourselves in an MBA program. Book knowledge is valuable stuff and the degree serves well in certain venues where it is required to climb the corporate ladder. I think most successful and experienced entrepreneurs would probably use your diplomas as scratch paper to write down their next good idea on. There are a few things that you could stand to learn from the real world before you go off half-cocked trying to change it.

On rare occasions in running a business it is necessary to burn bridges in order to benefit production or profitability. Rarely. I've had to do it myself over the last 7+ years with 2 clients. Never is it wise to come out of the gate with a flame thrower burning everything in sight. This is compounded by the reality that you have no foundation... nothing to show the community you can live up to your words. You have nothing to offer that is better or more valuable than the USAA. Cutting the USAA out now would be like cutting off your own feet before you even get started.

Remember, Brian has had quite a few "Chris Lee's" in the last 15 years. Paxton, Travis and I are 3 of the major partners who have come and gone. All of us had big visions and big plans. Before Brian, there were other strong players operating as a business. Maybe you should have a heart to heart with Vince Schappell. He has a lot of experience. Things happen... life happens... success is not instantaneous. Partnerships fizzle. The USAA is the constant. It has 40 years of proof.

It is a tall task to try and replace an organization with 40 years of history overnight. The risks are very, very high. It is an even taller task to carry the sport on your back alone into the future after you finish burning everything and everyone around you.

In the USAA, rules are meant to be discussed, voted on and then followed. If you don't like the rules, members have a responsibility to work to change them. That means discussing it with other members. Sharing your point of view. Being persuasive about your opinions. It takes work... but rule changes do happen.

You should strongly reconsider your demands in your request for sanctioning. Any other move is very risky... and the risk outweighs the rewards.

TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
tableman said:

If you (or whoever) is going to doctor and edit my posts on ahw, don't add your own words at the end of my post.

What you deleted was this: I spoke to your Dynamo representative at the trade show yesterday, and he thinks it's divisive and unproductive for anyone to start a new player organization to compete directly with USAA. He think we're too small a player base to divide into factions. There was more but I won't repeat it here again.


I apologize Mark, that was by accident. There is an edit button right next to the quite button. I meant to quote.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
tableman said:

90% of what you're trying to do can be accomplished in complete cooperation with USAA and following USAA rules and procedures. USAA has evolved to be a rules-making and sanctioning body. It is not a business and it is not an organization that itself organizes tournaments, it leaves that to individual promoters.

You could charge players annual dues (as you plan to do), offer them benefits, and use those funds to run leagues/tournament both local and national, just like the American Darters Association or National Dart Association does. And still be utterly compatible with USAA.

USAA give promoters tremendous latitude, especially with respect to non-Worlds. With Worlds, you just have to use USAA rules and procedures and pay a modest sanctioning fee.

USAA rules of play, procedures, challenge match rules, etc., are decided in a democratic process by a group of veteran players who have chosen to be on the board and participate. Thus our rules evolve as the collective wisdom of many players who actually play the game over a period of years.

The only thing standing in the way of complete cooperation between AHPA and USAA is you and Brian's insistence on complete control of the rules and tournament procedures. I trust the wisdom of 40 years of USAA player decisions on rules over the decisions of any two individuals.

Drop your insistence on controlling the rules and procedures of the sport and AHPA and USAA can grow the sport together.

Brian and I are not insisting on controlling the rules and procedures. Our organization will put those decision in the hands of the players as is addressed above. Yes I am a moderated on the forums. It was truly done in error, I just clicked what I thought was quote and started typing.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
ajflanagan - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 509
TheAirHockeyGuy said:
tableman said:

If you (or whoever) is going to doctor and edit my posts on ahw, don't add your own words at the end of my post.

What you deleted was this: I spoke to your Dynamo representative at the trade show yesterday, and he thinks it's divisive and unproductive for anyone to start a new player organization to compete directly with USAA. He think we're too small a player base to divide into factions. There was more but I won't repeat it here again.


I apologize Mark, that was by accident. There is an edit button right next to the quite button. I meant to quote.

Wow that's pretty shady. How do you "accidentally" edit someone else's post? Perhaps a new low in Air Hockey history.

TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
ajflanagan said:
TheAirHockeyGuy said:
tableman said:

If you (or whoever) is going to doctor and edit my posts on ahw, don't add your own words at the end of my post.

What you deleted was this: I spoke to your Dynamo representative at the trade show yesterday, and he thinks it's divisive and unproductive for anyone to start a new player organization to compete directly with USAA. He think we're too small a player base to divide into factions. There was more but I won't repeat it here again.


I apologize Mark, that was by accident. There is an edit button right next to the quite button. I meant to quote.

Wow that's pretty shady. How do you "accidentally" edit someone else's post? Perhaps a new low in Air Hockey history.

Whatever Andrew, it was a freakin accident. The edit button is right next to the quote button and the entry screens are the same. Why would I edit someones post and then post what I wanted to say on their post?

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
- 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 658
TheAirHockeyGuy said:
ajflanagan said:
TheAirHockeyGuy said:
tableman said:

If you (or whoever) is going to doctor and edit my posts on ahw, don't add your own words at the end of my post.

What you deleted was this: I spoke to your Dynamo representative at the trade show yesterday, and he thinks it's divisive and unproductive for anyone to start a new player organization to compete directly with USAA. He think we're too small a player base to divide into factions. There was more but I won't repeat it here again.


I apologize Mark, that was by accident. There is an edit button right next to the quite button. I meant to quote.

Wow that's pretty shady. How do you "accidentally" edit someone else's post? Perhaps a new low in Air Hockey history.

Whatever Andrew, it was a freakin accident. The edit button is right next to the quote button and the entry screens are the same.

Like previously stated, "Poor Ethics".
tableman - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 690
ajflanagan said:
TheAirHockeyGuy said:
tableman said:

I apologize Mark, that was by accident. There is an edit button right next to the quite button. I meant to quote.

Wow that's pretty shady. How do you "accidentally" edit someone else's post? Perhaps a new low in Air Hockey history.

Yeah - when I reply to someone's post, I don't have the ability to delete something on their ORIGINAL post - accidentally or not.


TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
tableman said:
ajflanagan said:
TheAirHockeyGuy said:
tableman said:

I apologize Mark, that was by accident. There is an edit button right next to the quite button. I meant to quote.

Wow that's pretty shady. How do you "accidentally" edit someone else's post? Perhaps a new low in Air Hockey history.

Yeah - when I reply to someone's post, I don't have the ability to delete something on their ORIGINAL post - accidentally or not.


Ugh, fine, believe what you want. I wasn't paying attention and i'll fully admit to that. When you hit quote the persons post appear right above it, I didn't look close enough that it didn't have the quote brackets.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
Juggernaut - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 121
Dudes, it's message board software, that stuff happens all the time. More important things to discuss here than this.
fupersly - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 231
Agreed. This is getting this thread off topic.

Chris - I would suggest in the interest of clearing the air that you actually delete the affected posts so we can un-hijack this thread.
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
fupersly said:
Agreed. This is getting this thread off topic.

Chris - I would suggest in the interest of clearing the air that you actually delete the affected posts so we can un-hijack this thread.

I'm not deleting anything. I'm not getting accused of anything else.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
Juggernaut - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 121
TheAirHockeyGuy said:

I'm not deleting anything. I'm not getting accused of anything else.

Y'all might want to hire a PR person, if the last few posts by the two of you are any indication of your ability to represent your soon-to-be organization publicly. Nothing about your public interactions reflects the savvy, business-oriented approach you've sold as an alternative to the USAA.
TheAirHockeyGuy - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 472
Juggernaut said:
TheAirHockeyGuy said:

I'm not deleting anything. I'm not getting accused of anything else.

Y'all might want to hire a PR person, if the last few posts by the two of you are any indication of your ability to represent your soon-to-be organization publicly. Nothing about your public interactions reflects the savvy, business-oriented approach you've sold as an alternative to the USAA.

Joe is suggesting I delete the threads of other people Wil. I'm not going to do that.

Chris Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Air Hockey Players Association (AHPA)
Mole Hill Will - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 47
Please stop this!
It is getting way out of hand and painting BOTH
organizations in a bad light
Please be professional in your words and actions
And find a more productive way to resolve this issue
After all we are all adults
fupersly - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 231

First off, thank you for giving us the benefit of the doubt by continuing to refer to us as "gentlemen".

I agree that this has gotten out of hand, and unfortunately many of the discussions happening behind closed doors (where they belong) are finding their way into the public view. I'm not here to point fingers or say who did what wrong first, but I am here as a long-standing USAA Senior member (and former USAA Vice President) to apologize on behalf of all of us to you, the players, who both USAA and AHPA ultimately both hope to serve to the best of our abilities.

For anyone already attending or considering attending the AHPA World Championship, I hope this situation will not deter you from feeling good about that decision and enjoying what promises to be an excellent Air Hockey tournament. It may not end up being a USAA-sanctioned event, but I know Chris and Brian are committed to running the best tournament they can and making sure that the greatness of Air Hockey shines through in the end.
Q - 26 Mar 2015
Total Posts: 497
fupersly said:
Agreed. This is getting this thread off topic.

Chris - I would suggest in the interest of clearing the air that you actually delete the affected posts so we can un-hijack this thread.

Mark, please PM which post was changed and if you want the wording changed (italics and a note will be added by me)

After this change is made , all non thread topic posts may be moved to a new thread to get it back on topic and continue side conversations in a separate thread. (tbd when i see on a desktop)


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