| tableman
- 27 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 690
Unfortunately I won't be able to play in the upcoming Worlds, due to a neck injury sustained in early June. This is the 54th USAA Worlds/Nationals. I've been to all of them but this will be the third I can't play in due to injury, along with 1987 and 2004.
I played 6 games with Mike Thomas the other night to see if things had improved enough to play. Each game hurt more and more so there's no way I can endure a tournament without making the injury much worse.
I plan to be around, helping with things, maybe doing some video, and I'll have pucks and mallets available as well.
| stubbs7
- 27 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 582
Sorry to hear Mark. Hope you get better soon!
| jsbritton
- 27 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 421
take care of yourself...
| Mauro
- 30 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 83
Sorry to hear that Mark!! Take care and do your best for the next Championship! :)
| carolina phil
- 30 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 1084
Very sorry that you can not compete this year. But you are attending; and have never missed attending in all these years!
But, you left out the other National you missed playing in. That was 1979, the UH National. It forced me alone to beat Bob Dub, Joe Campbell, and put Jesse in the losers of the finals, before I finished with second place.
Carolina Phil
| tableman
- 31 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 690
carolina phil said: Very sorry that you can not compete this year. But you are attending; and have never missed attending in all these years!
But, you left out the other National you missed playing in. That was 1979, the UH National. It forced me alone to beat Bob Dub, Joe Campbell, and put Jesse in the losers of the finals, before I finished with second place.
Carolina Phil |
Wrong! I played the first day in the round robin in '79... played despite a swollen aching finger... beat Dickstein. By Sunday I couldn't play so I had to drop out.
| carolina phil
- 31 Jul 2014
Total Posts: 1084
Guess I hadn't noticed you on the first day back then. That was a great tournament of fierce one on one match ups:
Rolf doubled banked Jesse in a close bout. Karl Compton debated Dickstein over the table while playing. Joe and Jesse showdown in a display for the first time of two slow down offenses clashing; like chess. Semi finals and finals postponed till Monday night after playing to 2 AM Sunday night. Great names in it: Robert H getting started, Paul Marshall, George Ray, Ken F and Mike D, Karl C, Rolf Moore, Don Bearden, Roy Gonzales?, Melanie Leeper (womens' winner), Debbie Doggett, Marialice Cameron Lindig, David Walker, Ron Hubbard?. We have a little black and white footage of Rolf waking up to come back and beat Dickstein. I put Jesse in the losers of the finals with a forehand cross winning two sets to one set. Then the great Jesse roars back and beats me two straight sets, 8 games to 2 to win the second National of all time.
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