| Mole Hill Will
- 04 Jan 2014
Total Posts: 47
May 16th - 18th At Mole Hill Disc Golf Course
This event will be a benefit for west Tennessee animal rescue Entry fee will be $20 for the open double elimination And $10 per team for the Friday night doubles
Please read :
So as to not mislead anyone This tournament is not sanctioned Also we only have one table So a big turnout would be hectic but we could figure something out Mole hill is my wife's and my home and the air hockey room is small (with the 8' dynamo in there) The disc golf course is a private 9 hole and will be open The campground is primitive camping only The actual camp ground has 4 camp sights but anyone who wants to camp is welcome even if the four spots are taken you can pitch a tent on the course.
Although this event is not officially sanctioned All USAA rules and regulations will be followed And from what I understand that will make it Defacto sanctioned
William Anderson 731-499-2839
| tableman
- 04 Jan 2014
Total Posts: 690
Your tournament IS sanctioned! De facto sanctioning means as long as you follow USAA rules and play on a sanctioned table, the tournament counts as USAA-sanctioned. Only World-National level tournaments require a vote of the USAA Board to sanction.
Hope this is the first of many USAA-sanctioned events in your area!
| Mole Hill Will
- 04 Jan 2014
Total Posts: 47
Ok great Thanks Mark
| Mole Hill Will
- 12 Jan 2014
Total Posts: 47
This will be Tennessee's First USAA sanctioned Tournement
| carolina phil
- 14 Jan 2014
Total Posts: 1084
Great to see AH moving forward!
Carolina Phil
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