| tableman
- 05 Aug 2012
Total Posts: 690
Is there ANY archived video of the webstreamed matches from the recent Worlds? I mean some of the final matches? I can find nothing on protablesports, and only a few random unlabeled matches on ustream.
| Mike C
- 05 Aug 2012
Total Posts: 459
tableman said: Is there ANY archived video of the webstreamed matches from the recent Worlds? I mean some of the final matches? I can find nothing on protablesports, and only a few random unlabeled matches on ustream.
Mark |
I know Donovan's been working on it, but he was also called out of town on business for a few weeks. I'm sure the folks in Chicago are working on their videos soon as well.
| Laz
- 05 Aug 2012
Total Posts: 79
They're on YouTube under the pro table sports subscription.
| Q
- 05 Aug 2012
Total Posts: 497
Dan and I are working on ours as well (no scoreboard, no commentary).
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