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AirHockeyWorld Rating
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What does "AirHockeyWorld Rating" mean?

The AirHockeyWorld Rating is a system based on the fairly popular Elo Rating system (Wiki entry) that was implemented by Air Hockey in 2007. It was created and is being maintained by Illinois air hockey player and promoter Goran Mitic. Competitive Air Hockey players around the world are adopting this rating method to help create a worldwide rating system of active air hockey players. This rating system allows players that have never before played in a serious Air Hockey tournament to become involved in the Air Hockey organization.

Rating' = Rating + Value Of Match * (Set Won or Lost - Win Expectancy) Rating' = New rating
Rating = Old rating
Value of match = (see Table 1 below)
Set Won Or Lost = 1 for win, 0 for loss
Win Expectancy = Percentage of times the player is expected to beat his/her opponent (see Table 2)

Table 1: Value of Matches
# of Games / Match Type Value Modifier Amount
1 Game 4 National Tournament 3x
2 of 3 Game Set 8 State Tournament 2x
3 of 5 Game Set 16 Spinoff match in tournament 1/2 x
4 of 7 Game Set 32 At least one player establishing rating 2x
USAA Challenge Match (per set) 32 Winner has 2000 or more rating prior to set 1/2 x
USAA Challenge Match (match win bonus) 64
An additional calculation is done for USAA Challenge Matches that are 3 of 5 or 4 of 7 sets. If the winner does not have a higher rating than the loser after the ratings have been adjusted, he is awarded the difference in his and his opponents rating +1.

If the Challenge Match is a best 3 of 5 or 4 of 7 sets, the loser was rated #1 prior to the match, and the winner would not become #1 as a result of the above calculations, winner is awarded the difference between his rating and the new player with the #1 rating + 1.

Table 2: Win Expectancy for Higher Rated Player
Rating Difference
(From / To)
Exp %
Rating Difference
(From / To)
Exp %
Rating Difference
(From / To)
Exp %
Rating Difference
(From / To)
Exp %
0 6 0.5 95 101 0.63 202 210 0.76 351 365 0.89
7 13 0.51 102 109 0.64 211 219 0.77 366 382 0.9
14 20 0.52 110 116 0.65 220 229 0.78 383 400 0.91
21 28 0.53 117 124 0.66 230 239 0.79 401 421 0.92
29 35 0.54 125 132 0.67 240 250 0.8 422 443 0.93
36 42 0.55 133 140 0.68 251 261 0.81 444 469 0.94
43 49 0.56 141 148 0.69 262 272 0.82 470 500 0.95
50 56 0.57 149 157 0.7 273 283 0.83 501 537 0.96
57 64 0.58 158 165 0.71 284 295 0.84 538 588 0.97
65 71 0.59 166 174 0.72 296 308 0.85 589 676 0.98
72 79 0.6 175 183 0.73 309 321 0.86 677 799 0.99
80 86 0.61 184 192 0.74 322 334 0.87 800 > 1
87 94 0.62 193 201 0.75 335 350 0.88
The win expectancy for the lower rated player is (1 - Win Expectancy of the Higher Rated Player). So, if one person is rated 1400 and one is rated 1200, the higher rated player has a win expectancy of 0.75 and the lower rated player has a win expectancy of 0.25.

New players start at a rating of 1000.

You must play 5 different players a total of 50 games or participate in a national-level tournament to earn an official rating. Until you have an official rating, your rating is "provisional". When a player with an official rating and a player with a provisional rating play a match, only the rating of the player with the provisional rating will be affected.

All provisional matches must be played against opponents with a rating no greater than 200 points more or less than your provisional rating. Other matches may be played and will count toward your rating, but will not count toward your 50 provisional games needed.

After one calendar year of inactivity, players with a rating total of more than 1000 will lose 10% of the difference of their rating and 1000. The player will also be dropped from the active player rating list. If the player plays after they drop they will be treated as a new player. This does not have any effect on the calculations of prior matches. A player with an established rating must play 50 rated games or participate in a national-level tournament in a calendar year to be considered active.


Example 1: Player A has a rating of 1200 and Player B has a rating of 1200. They are both expected to win 50% of the time, based on their rating. If player A wins a challenge set his new rating would be 1215 (1200 + 30(1-.5)) and player B would have a new rating of 1185 (1200 + 30(0-.5)).

Example 2: Player A has a provisional rating of 1275 and Player B has an official rating of 1200. Player A is expected to win 60% of the time. If player A wins a challenge set his new rating would be 1287 (1275 + 30(1-.60)) . Player B's rating would not be affected, since player A has a provisional rating.

Other Rating adjustments:

After a national-level tournament, any player who did not have an established rating prior to starting the tournament and is rated below five or more players he finished ahead of in the tournament will have his last tournament matches "looped". This will change only their rating, and will be as if they played the same tournament again with the same match results.


Tournaments are to be seeded using the ratings. All players active, inactive, and establishing, will be seeded in order. Players with the same numerical rating will be seed and rated with the player having the most recent match being on top.


Classifications can be used to determine entry fees for major tournaments and handicaps for weekly tournaments.
Table 3: Classifications
Rating From / To Classification Rating From / To Classification
<= 1000 Beginner 1400 1699 Professional
1001 1099 Novice 1700 1999 Ultra-Pro
1100 1199 Amateur 2000 2099 Master
1200 1399 Expert >= 2100 Grandmaster

Matches will be entered in the order that they are reported. Full match results, including all of the game scores, should be recorded on AirHockeyWorld.com within 10 days from the day they were played in order to be accepted. Matches scores can be posted to the forums or directly to a member of the ratings committee, or can be recorded by anyone at the following URL:
